Anonymous participant35/100: I t h i n k t h e s m a l l r e d d o t s i n t h e b a c k g r o u n d a r e t h e v i c t i m s D :
Anonymous participant10/100: I'm sure you can do better than this.
Anonymous participant60/100: no comment
Anonymous participant40/100: ugly
Anonymous participant40/100: no comment
Anonymous participant10/100: If you intend on dragging politics into coding competition you could at least put some effort into it.
Anonymous participant32/100: A "Ukraine" flag and accompanying bytebeat. If there were no title no one would call that "flag".
Anonymous participant40/100: no comment
Anonymous participant24/100: Bouncing lines and random sounding beeps. Is the minimalism supposed to represent the supply difficulties in Ukraine??
Anonymous participant65/100: I can't understand the message you are trying to convey. The JS part can be minified more using a crusher to give more space for more content or a plot of a story that you want to convey.
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