Anonymous participant43/100: Y e e e , i t l o o k s l i k e a k i t t y . I t s o u n d s l i k e a k i t t y . I l o v e k i t t i e s
Anonymous participant69/100: no comment
Anonymous participant65/100: silly black cat
Anonymous participant55/100: This one made me smile xD
Anonymous participant30/100: Does not sound like cat to me
Anonymous participant53/100: A picture of cat, when clicked says "meow", and some noise that is supposedly a purr sound. `contrast(9)` hack is actually quite interesting, but still hugely depends on the viewer's imagination.
Anonymous participant30/100: no comment
Anonymous participant42/100: An exercise in image and sound compression, not much in coding. Unfortunately, speech synthesis and sfx do not mix well (noisy blur with Firefox, silent wih Chrome)
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