

Annual JavaScript Golfing Competition

CLOSED. Starts on 1 July

Rating is allowed (participants only) - check demos

Hudson river
by Siorki
983/1024 bytes - canvas2d project

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Anonymous participant 80/100: Mesmerizing. Love the reflection (mirror)!
Anonymous participant 63/100: Gorgeous
Anonymous participant 88/100: Beautiful!!!
Anonymous participant 79/100: no comment
Anonymous participant 80/100: I like that the scroll is not a simple horizontal scroll,,, the hills in background are not visiable
Anonymous participant 65/100: no comment
Anonymous participant 80/100: Good, but a bit too slow.
Anonymous participant 60/100: no comment
Anonymous participant 75/100: A scrolling scenary of a riverside. Not easy to spot but there is a mountain in the background. Too bad that this is still slow even in Firefox as suggested. (Also, thank you for RegPack!)
Anonymous participant 72/100: no comment
Anonymous participant 80/100: A nice cityscape!

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