Anonymous participant55/100: it's fun but looks easy to make tbh
Anonymous participant35/100: Gonna be honest, I don't know how to play Blackjack. And the code looks like some extra could have been squeezed in.
Anonymous participant70/100: no comment
Anonymous participant50/100: Does what it says on the tin, but very barebones. There were tons of space left to add some interesting mechanics, such as betting.
Anonymous participant20/100: no comment
Anonymous participant75/100: no comment
Anonymous participant18/100: Single round only? There was ample room (compressed entry is ~600b) for extra mechanisms, more fancy gfx, animations that would make game more appealing … The code makes efficient use of modern JS constructs but you seem to have stopped before the golfing begins. Aim higher for next contest.
Anonymous participant40/100: Good game, but definitely could have added some sort of animation, or additional ui for resetting
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