

Annual JavaScript Golfing Competition

CLOSED. Starts on 1 July

Space Water Collector (works on mobile)
by 384.cz
1018/1024 bytes - canvas2d project

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Anonymous participant 43/100: Cute game. Pretty simple for 1024 bytes though.
Anonymous participant 40/100: Very similar to last year's entry...
Anonymous participant 55/100: Took a bit to realize I need to click left or right of the middle of the screen
Anonymous participant 80/100: Complete game, nice. Some nitpicks - cover unrelated to game, and are those squares just squares or broken unicode symbols
Anonymous participant 30/100: some emojis don't show on my laptop
Anonymous participant 54/100: Good job adding 8-bit-style sound fx, although I would readily trade them for more gfx (to match the cover picture, for instance) and sleeker controls, keyboard as last year was better IMHO.
Anonymous participant 46/100: I like the use of emojis to draw complex image.

Public comments

Anonymous Run it without the bar 1720949201

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